Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
ram mandir in decoGlimpses of Pran Pratishtha ceremony of Shree Ram Janmaboomi Temple in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh on January 22, 2024. PM presents on the occasion.

While studying journalism in New Zealand, one of my papers was on a White Mainstream media where the newsrooms of the mainstream media in NZ failed to reflect the demographic make-up of the country -it remains white and has not diversified or reflects the colours now celebrated in Australia and New Zealand population. Therefore, it is not surprising when no cultural or religious sensitivities are applied by European journalist, many of whom are copy writers who copy from other overseas media like a blinkered BBC or Al Jazeera. Both TV 3/News hub in New Zealand and ABC, SBS and 9News came up with misleading news hurting to the Hindus in Australia and all around the world.
Vishwa Hindu Parishad in Australia have taken up this case with relevant authorities in Australia and accused these three media for promoting Hindu hate in Australia.
This complaint has been made to Newshub /TV 3 by Jai Chand of Fiji Seniors Federation of NZ. Jai Chand, in his complaint reported that:
“Your reporting was inaccurate and not sufficiently researched which has caused distress to some of the Hindu community in New Zealand.
You fail to mention the site was the birthplace of Lord Ram long before Moghuls and the invaders set foot in India.
You also fail to mention that the high court of India declared the site as a Hindu place of worship thus the rightful site for the Temple.

It is important for such Europeans to see India and its History in a different light, where the King’s Britian is now led by a person of Indian origin and similar is the story in Canada and USA. What the Western journalists now need to appreciate is that India no longer remains the land of snake charmers and ropewalkers but has surpassed NASA in claiming the skies.
What the inauguration of Shri Ram Mandir in Ayodhya depicted in not only righting a wrong done historically by the Moghul invaders over 500 years ago by forcefully building a mosque at the site of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi, the birthplace of Lord Rama in Ayodhya.
In case Hindus in the Diaspora wondered why we have the lead song” …Ram aayenge… aayenge Ram Ayenge….” Wasn’t He always there in India. No, this is about the historical fact about desecration and demolition of the original Shri Ram Mandir, from where Ram was banished to a tent some 500 years ago, and with this building of the temple, people of India were overjoyed to receive Ram after 500 years of banishment by the Moghul invaders
According to K.K. Muhammad, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) during excavation of the site had found remains of a temple there which was later used as evidence in the Supreme Court of India.
On 5 February 2020, the Government of India made an announcement for a trust named as Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth shetra to reconstruct a Ram temple there.
Apart from righting a wrong, the events leading to building of Shri Ram mandir also depicted something of Hinduism in particular and India in general, that as the largest democracy in the world, India still, unlike those with belief of the invaders to India, believes in and follows of rule of law.
That is why this fight for Ayodhya took some five decades, and has been relatively subdued, with some violence that went out of control.
What the building of Shri Ram Mandir and related development in Ayodhya in particular, and throughout India depicts is that the foreign culture of the invaders had been holding the progress on India mostly under the dynastic Nehru family since 1947. The progress that India made under Modi in less than ten years far surpasses that under Congress for some seven decades.
What surprises a person like me, a third generation Fiji Hindu, is the extent of ignorance among Hindus about their culture and real Indian history, as many are not wrong in saying, Fiji Hindus really depict what many would wish Indians from India to be.
As an outsider, a non-Indian, one of the main reasons for this anomaly and deficiency appears to be the lackadaisical approach of non-Hindu Nehru family, dominated by the culture of the invaders, towards Hinduism. I wonder if anybody else noticed that Gandhi and Nehru names failed to feature anywhere in the Ram Mandir celebrations.
Indians need to realize that after independence, five successive Education Ministers in India with over 80% of Hindus, were non-Hindus, as they shared the belief of the invaders, and Indian School curriculum learnt more about Akbar and Aurangzeb and prowess of the foreign invaders rather than about peaceful, compassionate teachings of Hinduism, Ramayan, Bhagavat Gita, Dayanand, Tulsidas and numerous Hindu sages ignored by a very wanting Congress.
Even I was cursing my ancestors and elders for carrying and displaying hatred among brothers, and not showing the love of Ram and Bharat.
Then I realised my grandfather came to Fiji from India which was still under the influence of the culture of the invaders between 1879 and 1916 when most came to Fiji. Thank God they brought Ramayan, Bhagavat Gita and other scriptures that made us Fiji Hindus a better breed of people who have good and well-rounded knowledge of their religion and culture and a school-system that was not adulterated by the culture and belief of the invaders.
Modi and his government have also sprung some energy and inspiration to Bollywood that has been inspired, encouraged and boldened to tell perhaps what it felt restricted under the Congress rule.
The first one such is about the unexplained and mysterious death of PM Lal Bahadur Shastri in Russia in TASKENT FILES which reveals the congress may have had a hand in killing of truthful and “straight” PM Shastri of Congress to continue a questionable and reportedly corrupt India with dynastic Nehru rule under Indira Gandhi.
Then came the brilliant KASHMIR FILES that told the brutal story of Kashmir terrorism and went to make some law changes to better the life of Indians in Kashmir.
Of course, URI, THE SURGICAL STRIKE depicts the story that PM Modi told about in a speech on Indian TV on …”gharmein ghuss kar maara..” (Went into your home to hit you.). This movie is about a fictionally dramatized account of the true event of the retaliation to the 2016 Uri attack,
12th FAIL -And the latest one depicting the story of a common truthful Pundit family, Manoj Kumar Sharma, and his father, who fought for truthfulness, non-cheating and the right things depicted in Ram Rajya, the real culture of Hindus. This is 12TH FAIL, which will win many awards and win so many hearts and depicts the culture that India needs and is home-grown, and not that copied from the invaders.
Let’s hope with Ram Rajya, next step would be reclaiming and retrieving Mathura from the ruins of the invaders.
HINDUS NEED TO BE UNITED AND NEVER AGAIN ALLOW ANY INVADERS, IN ANY FORM, TO INFLUENCE, DESECRATE OUR RELIGION AND CULTURE. [NZ does not even have one representative united Hindu body here. When will we Hindus have some Gyan (knowledge) Pratishtha after Pran Pratishtha.]
I conclude that the Tsunami of Ram Rajya in India with Shri Ram Mandir is an opportune time and a forerunner for India to be renamed as BHARAT and declared a HINDU State.
[About the Author: Thakur Ranjit Singh is a Third generation Fiji Indian Hindu, a journalist, a media commentator, and blogger at FIJI PUDIT, based in Auckland, New Zealand]

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