Sat. Mar 22nd, 2025

Suresh Kumar with his wife

It has been more than two years since the New Zealand border closure brought migrants’ lives that were left outside the country to a standstill. Even though the government has announced that it is reopening its door to the world, with some migrants able to return, there are thousands still stuck in a limbo.

Suresh Kumar is one such migrant stuck offshore. After living in New Zealand for four years, he left for his marriage on the 16th of February 2020 to India. He held a post study work visa that expired in April 2021. He had absolutely no idea that he was not building his life but throwing it away at the mercy of the government.

He says he has spent thousands of dollars on his education and making a life in New Zealand but that all seems wasted now. “My life is full of stress,” says Suresh.

Back home he says he is jobless, but his phone bills and credit card installments are still running. The situation has come to a point where he has now received email from banks and 2degrees that his name has been put to Baycorp, thereby assigning him as a defaulter for not fulfilling the payments.

Suresh is under tremendous stress as he is the only earning family member and has responsibilities on his shoulder. He explains that his father who was working in Oman, because of covid situation, could not return to his work, thereby losing his job.

The covid has had huge impacts on many families, Suresh wants the present Labour government to understand his pain and anguish, he wants them to extend visas for all those who are stuck outside the country.

He says, “We are making a genuine demand and asking for our rights”.

Nishan Singh, another migrant who went back to India, again for his wedding, had no idea that he would not be able to return to his life built in New Zealand. He left on 22nd February 2020 and held a post study work visa, which unfortunately stands expired now.

He is extremely gutted that this situation has come up and feels that when he had gone back to India he was on a valid visa, and that the government should rightfully extend their visas. The frustration is sky high as in this whole scene, there is no fault of these migrants who were unaware of the upcoming border closure as they had only gone back to their respective countries either for a special occasions, holidays or important tasks and commitments

Nishan Singh, who went to India on 22nd Feb 2020 for his wedding and stuck there since then because of border closure.

Nishan helplessly exclaims that he has no income source and is totally dependent on his parents’ funds. He is not happy with the fact that he has to take money for survival for his parents at an age where he should support them, not the other way round.

“We are requesting the Immigration minister to please call us back” quoted Mr. Singh. – TIN Bureau

Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

The Indian News NZ