Sat. Mar 22nd, 2025

Migrant Workers Association of Aotearoa organized a migrant rally at Aotearoa square at Auckland CBD on the 27th of March, the determination to stand by the migrant community was evident. The message was clear, give justice to temporary migrant workers who are onshore as well as offshore.

This is not the first time that the Migrant Workers Association of Aotearoa have come out and raised voices against this problem, but they have been doing this since a year now.

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The promises by the government, New Zealand immigration and dodgy advisers back home have landed the migrants in one of the most difficult situations in their lives. They were promised a good life, a secured life and humanitarian government that would investigate their issues and act quickly with kindness.

The present Labour government is the same government that preaches and is popular worldwide for its compassion and humanity, but the reality stands far for the image portrayed.

There have been thousands of messages, emails that have been sent to prime minister and ministers to look into immigration issues of migrant workers stuck outside New Zealand. People have lost their lives and livelihood, have huge amount of loans and debts that need to be paid off, yet this government is showing no signs of compassion.

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“It’s like scrambled eggs it’s going to get scrambled everywhere, this issue is only going to get bigger”, says Sher Singh who led the rally along with Anu Kaloti. The questions raised totally resonated with each migrant present in the rally and as a matter of fact, it would relate every migrant worker in the present circumstances, where there is no clarity given by the government.

The on shore migrant workers are also layered with complications when it comes to immigration matter, like one of the workers says that there is no assurance from the authorities about the outcome of your application when you submit one with Immigration New Zealand, even when full amount is charged for the application.

Migrant rights are human rights and when migrants lives under attack….Stand up fight back! were the slogans that were heard loud and clear from the rally.

Its frustration and is making the situation go from bad to worse, the rally asked people to unite and raise voice against the injustice that is being meted on the migrant workers. – TIN Bureau (Picture courtesy: Social Media handle)

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Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

The Indian News NZ