Abhinaya is an art of expression defining four aspects namely – Angika, Vachika, Aharya and Satvika abhinaya. These four states of abhinaya are the medium of interaction with the art connoisseurs, creating an aesthetic experience which is the Rasa.
Aharya Abhinaya which refers to the “extraneous representation”, is a critical factor for a successful dramatic play. As the art evolved many explorations and experimentations of new techniques evolved. One amongst them was the “Usage of Stage Lights”. The history of stage lightings for theatrical productions in India is less than a century old, more so in case of classical dance productions.
While technology is playing a crucial role in 21st century, Stage lighting has come a long way from the journey of necessity to an allied art in the present day. As the performances moved to proscenium stage, so came the necessity of artificial lighting. Beyond just illumination the purpose of stage lighting is to illuminate the performance artistically. To achieve the same the role of imagination is high in the perspective of choreography and the light designing. These days many productions have been choreographed and presented keeping in mind lighting as a major contributor. So, it is important to understand how stage lighting can contribute to enhance the success of a dance production and makes it aesthetically pleasing.
Stage lighting is a blend of art and science that creates a suitable and serene atmospheric environment for the performance. In earlier days, an environment similar to amphitheater used natural lights to host the performance. However, the idea of using lights for the performance started way back when the show was hosted during dusk hours.
The very first form of light used was the Diya. This metal lamp with oil and wick were the main devices used to illuminate the stage area. With passage of time the human intellect craved for the desire to create space for innovation. The invention of electric lights which came as boon to human life not only supported a better social life but also created a huge impact in the field of arts. As the performances started moving indoors artificial lightings became a necessity. Thus, Stage lighting flourished as an important allied art form giving rise to many lighting equipments to create a perfect ambience and special effects on the stage.
For a dancer it is very important to understand the technical details of lighting fixtures, their functionalities and behavior, not just to apply on stage but also to make it as a part of the choreography process.
It is the matter of fact that the dance emerged much before the lights and the dancers should focus on performance only, yet it has to be remembered that, just the way a dancer stays conscious about the music, the stage dimensions, the positions, yet, similar way being mindful about stage lights can definitely benefit the dancer during the performances to portray the theme. So, it can be said that, stage lights go hand in hand with the dancer and it becomes necessary to know where the light is coming from, how to utilize the lights and how the lights would behave based on the dancer’s position is important to understand in order to enhance the success of a dance production and makes it aesthetically pleasing.
Dr Rashmi Thaper