Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami attended the Ganesh Mahotsav organized by Ganesh Mahotsav Seva Samiti Bharuwala Grant Clementown at Shri Shiv Raghunath Temple in Dehradun on Saturday.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Describing the significance of Lord Ganesh, CM Dhami said that our government is constantly trying to promote the Sanatan culture of Devbhoomi and to maintain the original form of Devbhoomi.
“In the Sanatan tradition, before doing any auspicious work, it is a ritual to invoke Lord Ganesha first. By the grace of Lord Ganesha, we all remain energetic. Our government is constantly trying to promote the Sanatan culture of Devbhoomi and to maintain the original form of Devbhoomi,” Dhami said.
Sharing pictures on X, CM wrote, “Participated in the Ganesh Mahotsav organized by Ganesh Mahotsav Seva Samiti in Clemsontown, Dehradun and prayed to Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and the giver of Riddhi-Siddhi, and wished for the happiness, prosperity and well-being of the people of the state.”
Earlier on Saturday, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami participated in ‘Hindi Diwas Samaroh-2024’ organised by Uttarakhand Bhasha Sansthan in Dehradun.
During the event held at IRDT Auditorium, the Chief Minister released the book ‘Uttarakhand Ki Lok Kathayen’ by the Sansthan.
Speaking on occasion, CM Dhami highlighted how Hindi has connected society and enriched the civilisation, adding that it is “not just a celebration of a language but an occasion to pride our culture”.
CM Dhami also highlighted the Prime Minister’s efforts to establish Hindi on the global platform and said that it is a collective responsibility “to maintain the pride of Hindi.”
“Hindi has got global recognition due to his use of Hindi in the ‘Mann Ki Baat’ program. Many efforts are being made by the state government for the upliftment and promotion of Hindi. It is the collective responsibility of all of us to maintain the pride of Hindi. Today we should take a pledge to respect our mother tongue, Hindi. Adopt it in our daily lives so that Hindi becomes a strong language of the 21st century,” CM Dhami said.
The Chief Minister expressed gratitude to the people who made important contributions to the upliftment and promotion of Hindi.-ANI