Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, has just wrapped up his 5-day visit to India. His trip featured the largest trade, business, and community delegation ever led by a New Zealand Prime Minister. The large number of delegates accompanying the Prime Minister on this trip highlights New Zealand’s urgent need for a reliable partner in the Indo- Pacific region, particularly considering China’s recent naval manoeuvres in the Tasman Sea. Historically, New Zealand has been heavily dependent on China for trade, business and services and even borrowing money to fund its operations in the country.
The shift in New Zealand’s government attitude toward India can be traced back to a couple of key factors. First, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon’s personal experience with India’s business landscape, gained during his time at Unilever, has given him valuable insight into how business deals operate in India. He made regular visits to the country, which helped him understand its dynamics. Second, and perhaps more significant, is New Zealand’s growing discomfort with China’s tactics over the years. While borrowing from China might seem easy, it often leads countries into a dangerous debt trap. Once a nation falls into this trap, China begins to impose conditions, using its financial leverage to influence political decisions. Any resistance to China’s demands often results in serious economic consequences, pushing the country further into China’s control. The previous Labour government had a strong focus on China, but the National-led alliance now wants to steer New Zealand away from this cycle. They are looking to partner with India, which they see as a more reliable and honest partner—one that keeps its promises and offers a more balanced approach to international relations.
Everything on this trip went smoothly, but for many first-timers, India proved to be a big surprise. Several delegates, particularly journalists from the Western world, had arrived with the preconceived idea of India as a “third-world country,” largely shaped by media portrayals. However, upon arrival, these misconceptions were quickly dispelled. It was difficult for many to grasp that India had advanced far beyond what they considered “developed” nations, although it is still a work in progress with much to achieve. In today’s world, perceptions are often shaped by the powerful left-leaning Western media, which frequently bears little resemblance to reality. Misinformation spreads much faster than the truth, and people are led to believe these false narratives because they are constantly reinforced. In this light, the visit served as an eye-opener for some members of the delegation.
The Prime Minister kept the media updated after every major engagement on this tour, answering tough questions along the way. When I asked him about the Indian Prime Minister’s comments on the Khalistan issue and whether it could be a potential roadblock in Free Trade Agreement (FTA) talks, he defended the situation, pointing out that New Zealand has very strong free speech laws that can’t be compromised. When I pressed him on why anti-India protests seem to happen only in Five Eyes countries, he expressed his disappointment, but didn’t have a solid answer to explain the protests in New Zealand. His reply highlighted a bit of a double standard in his stance. On one hand, he pushes for free trade with India and seeks to leverage business opportunities with the country; on the other hand, he’s not even willing to take a firm stand against the anti-India separatist elements operating in New Zealand, these contradictions can only last so long.
Overall, Prime Minister Luxon’s visit to India was a timely and important step for New Zealand and its economy. However, the Luxon government still needs to come to terms with the reality of the situation. They can’t expect India to do all the favours to them and provide business opportunities without New Zealand even offering any assurance that anti-India activities won’t take place on its soil. It’s crucial for New Zealand to show genuine commitment to fostering a positive relationship with India, not just economically but diplomatically as well. It would be wise for Prime Minister Luxon to understand this sooner rather than later if he wants things to truly work out for them. -Yugal Parashar

The Editor The Indian News

By The Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian news

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