Members of the Indian film industry have come forward to support Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan following the attack on the actor at his Bandra residence early Thursday morning. The incident, which occurred around 2:30 a.m., left the actor injured and required emergency surgery.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Actor Sonu Sood, while speaking to the media persons, called the incident “very sad” and “unfortunate,” and said that although he believes Mumbai is a “very safe city,” such incidents are a wake-up call to be more alert.
“It is very sad. He is okay right now, but I think it is an unfortunate incident. Mumbai is a very safe place, but incidents like this remind us to be more alert. Security guards in buildings must be more attentive,” said the actor.
Earlier, Saif’s staff members were brought to the Bandra Police Station for questioning regarding the case but were later allowed to leave. The Mumbai Police has clarified that no arrests have been made so far, and the investigation is ongoing.
The actor was attacked by an intruder in his 11th-floor Bandra flat at around 2:30 a.m. on Thursday.
The incident occurred when an intruder allegedly confronted the actor’s maid at his residence. As Saif attempted to intervene and de-escalate the situation, it escalated into a violent altercation, resulting in the actor sustaining several stab wounds.
Saif was immediately taken to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital after being stabbed by the intruder, where he underwent surgery under the supervision of a team of doctors.
According to doctors, Saif sustained a major injury to the thoracic spinal cord due to a knife lodged in his spine, and surgery was performed to remove a 2.5-inch-long knife from the actor’s spine and repair his leaking spinal fluid.
While Saif is “out of danger,” doctors are continuing to monitor him.-ANI