The world is in utter shock, disbelief and anguish as the barbaric violence and bloodshed is unleashed by the fanatic Islamist groups after the democratically elected government of Sheikh Hasina was overthrown and country gone in the hands of hardcore fundamentalists. Sheikh Hasina had to flee to India to save her life and is currently under protection and supervision of government of India. Currently, the situation in Bangladesh is very volatile and all minority communities, especially Hindus are the main target of Islamic fundamentalists who are killing them in the most ferocious way, raping their women and burning their properties. Thousands of Hindus have fled for safety and gathering at India-Bangladesh border to seek shelter in India.
The question arise what exactly happened in just a few months after Sheikh Hasina was democratically elected with overwhelming majority and country was marching ahead with pride under her leadership. There are many reasons to it, the biggest one being Bangladesh Prime Minister not succumbing to the pressure tactics of USA and China who wanted her to work against India and Narendra Modi in particular. Despite best of their disinformation campaign and spreading lies about the Modi government, Narendra Modi came back to power a third time, which they can’t comprehend with. India’s opposition parties, led by Congress party, shamelessly played puppet in hands of these foreign powers and did everything to stop Modi.
Now in desperation, these deep state powers are creating flash points of hostile enemies surrounding India, again with the support of India’s betrayer opposition parties. All these attempts are being done by India’s enemy countries and Congress party leaders together, as they both want to topple the democratically elected Narendra Modi government, exactly the way they have done in Bangladesh. Don’t be surprised if the similar violent protests erupt suddenly in coming days in India as well since several Congress party leaders have openly proclaimed it after Bangladesh debacle.
Sheikh Hasina has accused USA just a couple of days ago, that she could still be in power if she had surrendered the sovereignty of St Martin Island to USA. US wanted her to allow the country to have its bases there and China wanted her to stop the friendly treatment towards India. While she was only doing things that were good for her country and no wonder, a small economy like Bangladesh was among the fastest growing economies in the world until the toppling of her government took place. In only 10 days, the country has gone back 10 years, but the support of deep state of US, China and UK continues its task there relentlessly. The aim is not only to bring Bangladesh down to its knees but also to create an enemy in India’s neighbourhood. Ideologically, this so-called student movement is supported by Pakistan and all the radicalisation and violence in the aftermath is responsibility of Pakistan. So, it’s the nexus of these countries which is behind all the unrest and violence in Bangladesh today.
It is so shameful that so far, no opposition party leader has said even a word about the brutal violence and atrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh simply because they don’t want to upset their Muslim vote bank. The same bunch of shameless opposition leaders went overboard to condemn the attacks and killing of people in Gaza and Palestine and even raised pro Palestine slogan in Indian Parliament.
The situation of Bangladesh and its possible repercussion in India can be of dire consequences. It’s not only the government but people of the country need to be very watchful of their surroundings and always stay alert until the situation is normalised.
There are many evil forces in the world that work relentlessly against India as they can’t see India rising or taking a lead. Hence to demoralise a proud nation these forces are now attacking on people of Hindu community, their properties and their belief system. While there are some are open enemies of India others do it under the garb of democracy, human rights and justice. World needs to be wary of such enemies of humanity and thwart their endeavours with all its might.
-Yugal Parashar