Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

A constant pattern is being followed in India to create civic unrest on every issue since last couple of years, especially after the landslide comeback victory of Narendra Modi led NDA government in 2019. The desperate losers and political aspirants who thought Modi government’s 2014 win was a fluke or a one-off win and will not be repeated, got a rude shock when Narendra Modi came back resoundingly, with a greater number of seats in Parliament. Now this gang of desperate losers, anti-India forces and stooges of India’s enemies combined, are ready to find some excuse or other to create unrest and disruption in the country and they have got patronage of even bigger losers like Congress Party and the leftists of the world.

This entire eco-system works in tandem, supporting each other very smartly with each one of its wings doing the job very diligently. How this whole eco-system works is something that can be beyond the imagination of a common man, though the very strong presence of social media today has exposed the nefarious designs of these enemies of society to a great extent. All these anti-Modi and now anti-India forces have only one common enemy, i.e., Narendra Modi and the BJP government. By now these enemies of India have got the message loud and clear that Modi can not be defeated in elections so what is the next best way to get rid of him? That is to create chaos, riots and mayhem and oppose the government on anything they do, to destabilise this government and give a bad name to the country in the world. This whole nexus and the eco-system of anti-India forces has always existed in the country, it’s all thanks to the revolution in the communication field, especially in the social media that all their sins have started to expose. These anti-national forces thrived on the fundings from India’s enemy countries which has now been completely blocked by Modi government, hence this show desperation by these elements, every now and then.

The latest drama going in India now is the opposition of a new defence recruitment scheme that is launched by the Indian government called ‘Agnipath’. This policy is just a smarter version of an already existing, short service commission module of the armed forces. This is an absolutely normal & natural practice to upgrade and update the old systems and practices that have been in place for 70-80 or 100 years. With the changing times if you don’t change your policies and upgrade your procedures you can’t survive in a fiercely competitive world of today. Modernisation of defence forces is the need of the hour for India since it always has the threat from its hostile neighbours and other superpowers, who don’t want to see India getting stronger militarily. The kind of opposition this scheme has seen from a section of a society will surprise anyone. The eligibility age criteria to join the new scheme is from 17-1/2 to 21 years, the aim is to infuse young blood to our armed forces. Train the young recruits in six months’ time and deploy them straight to the field for four years. The salary and incentive offered under new scheme are so alluring that after completion of four years, one in four will qualify to continue with the forces or come out with a 12 lacs package at the age of 22 to start your career afresh. Most youths in India today keep struggling till age of 25 or 28 to find a suitable career path but here at age of 22, with 4 years’ experience of armed forces and that kind of money, is not attractive enough for some people.

Most people opposing this scheme or doing violent protests have nothing to do with this scheme, those protesting on streets and damaging public properties do not even qualify for this scheme. These are the people who always wait for an opportunity against Modi government and make a mountain out of a mole. Its time, government deals with these enemies of the country with very firm hands and not to bow down to any of their tactics, however hard they may try. -Yugal Parashar

Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

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