Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Even today, with a population of 7.2 billion people, we still have enough resources on the planet if we learn to live sensibly. But that sensible living has not come in most of humanity. That mentality and attitude towards life has always been there, but the scale and our capacity to do things that has gone up phenomenally today. Even with the caveman, whoever was strongest tried to gather more. Even if the meat rotted in his cave – he did not have a refrigerator – it didn’t matter, he had to store more than others.

Once you think of economics and are in greed mode, scarcity is a big thing in your mind. Once scarcity is a big thing, saving yourself is a big thing. But you never understood that life cannot be saved, it can only be used, and whatever you use, whatever you throw out will be your quality. If you save your joy, at the end of your life no one will take account, “She saved every bit of joy in her. She’s the most joyfully dead.” They will say, “This horrible creature never even smiled in her life.” But if you dispensed your joy and love every day, people would say, “Oh she was a joyful and loving being.” If you save all of it, that will not be a quality. What you save will never be your quality. What you dispense will be your quality.

In nature, everything is trying to dispense itself to the maximum extent and to its fullest capability. Only human beings are trying to save. Because they save so much of their joy, their love and everything that is valuable to them, they have to do all kinds of activities to splurge. If human beings could just sit and be absolutely joyful, they would not be thinking of their evening wine or whisky. If every moment, they were bursting with their joy, love and ecstasy, would they be looking forward to drink, sex or anything? They would be just fine. Such thoughts would not even enter their minds.

There is no point trying to save this life. You can’t take it anywhere. You have to allow it to go into its full blossom now, here, not somewhere else. So do not try to save the fragrance of life. Those who save will stink. Those who throw it out, they will be fragrant beings. -Isha Foundation New Zealand

Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

The Indian News NZ