Sat. Mar 29th, 2025


The anti-Hindu tirade led by an unholy alliance of staunch anti-India, anti BJP and Modi haters combined, has now reached to New Zealand. This hardcore left leaning nexus has a very powerful and deep-rooted presence in this beautiful country including in the educational institutions and also in media. Most Indian immigrants in New Zealand, even if they have lived here for 2-3 generations can endorse that there has always been an anti-India and anti-Hindu under current among a section of people. I am sure many would remember the ‘Swastik’ controversy that occurred a few years ago. The blatant and shameless attempt by the mainstream media to paint Hindus as ‘Nazis’ will be fresh in the minds of people.

The latest addition to this anti-Hindu campaign in New Zealand is launched again by a left leaning bigot under the garb of an academician, abusing his institution to spread hatred against Hindus, the world’s most peaceful community. This is not the first time this so-called Professor has spewed venom against Hindu community. He is a habitual offender and is a staunch Hindu hater. The root of this hatred goes back to 2014, since the right-wing BJP led by PM Narendra Modi came to power in India. PM Modi shut the shops of thousands of anti-India forces working against the Indian state camouflaging as NGOs. These forces included anti-India fundamentalists, Christian missionaries and left leaning extremists who were sucking the country from decades. These fake NGOs were being funded by India’s enemy countries and various organisation of vested interest. Since the government now has made it impossible for them to operate in India, hence they are finding new ways to paint India and its majority population Hindus, in a poor light.

While we can discount the ignorant and eternally biased western media for their lack of knowledge about India or Hinduism, there are some neo-converts of Indian origin trying hard to poison Kiwi minds with their baseless and false propaganda about the Hindu community in New Zealand. What these hate mongers fail to understand is that to dismantle Hindutva, they first need to know and understand this 50,000 years old continuous civilisation. Some western countries still carry that colonial hangover and can’t see the rise of an Asian country, India as a superpower under leadership of Prime Minister Modi. These powers are leaving no stone unturned to bring India down and to scare the Hindu community worldwide. These anti-India forces can’t digest the fact that with a population of 1.4 billion and despite of facing the deadliest pandemic in the history of mankind, how could India have bounced back so resoundingly. They can’t tolerate India emerging as a superpower in the world, trying to regain its lost glory. Hindus across the world need not to panic by a gang of some smelly rats who don’t even have guts to say a word about real perpetrators of violence and bloodshed across the globe.

The basic tenets of Hinduism are to live and let live, the whole world is a family and may the world be at peace and all human beings stay happy and healthy. In its thousands of years history, Hindus have never invaded any country or harmed any fellow human, unprovoked. In the true Hindu values and spirit, let us pray for those who spread animosity and spew venom against the most peaceful race on the planet, the Hindus. – Yugal Parashar (Picture of Mohan Dutta below from National Communication Association)

Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

The Indian News NZ