Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

As we return to our bubbles once more, we want to help you for your hard work to stop the spread of COVID-19.

We know many people will be a little anxious or frustrated that once again, we’re back at Alert Level 4, but going hard and early is the best way to stop the virus in its tracks and keep Kiwis safe. This is especially important now that we’re dealing with the more infectious Delta variant.

We don’t have to look too far to see what can happen if Delta is allowed to spread in the community. In New South Wales, for example, more than 5,000 people have tested positive in the past few weeks.

We’re expecting the number of cases here in New Zealand to increase, as more close contacts come forward for testing. The good news is that we’ve stamped out COVID before, and by sticking together and sticking to the rules, we are confident we can do it again.

You’ll remember the golden rules from last year: stay home, stick to your bubble, and get tested if you have COVID symptoms. Now, with the Delta variant in the community, there are a few extra things we need to do to keep COVID at bay. As part of the team of five million, we all have a role to play in this.

One of the most important ways you can help is by wearing a mask. If you’re visiting an essential service like a supermarket or getting a COVID test or vaccine, you are required to wear a face covering, but it’s also a good idea to wear one whenever you leave your house. Covering up when you’re away from home protects you and your family, and keeps our essential workers safe.

Another key part of our response is our vaccine rollout. Vaccination centres are still operating at Alert Level 4, and it’s important that everyone who can gets vaccinated, so together we can protect all of New Zealand. If you’re aged 30 or over, or in a priority group, you can book your vaccine now at or by calling 0800 28 29 26. Everyone else will be able to book from 1 September.

We encourage everyone to book as soon as they’re able to. Almost one million Kiwis are now fully vaccinated.

Finally, we know life in lockdown can be tough, so this week, do check in on your friends and family. Send a message, pick up the phone or arrange a coffee date via Zoom, and make sure your loved ones are doing OK. If you or someone you know is having a hard time, you can call or text 1737 at any time for free to speak with a trained counsellor. There are also plenty of resources online at

For now, thank you once again to everyone across the country for doing your bit to keep us safe. Stamping out COVID isn’t easy, but together, we are stronger than the virus. We’ve done it before, and if we all continue to play our part, we know we can do it again. – Ethnic caucus, Labour party

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Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

The Indian News NZ