Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Q: Today is my birthday. As a child, this used to be the most amazing day for me. As a teenager, I would just party. Today, I am in a spiritual discourse and my family is asking me, “What is wrong with you?”

Sadhguru: You are evolving! You must help your parents evolve too, because the only reason Indian parents desperately want to have a son is because they believe you will facilitate their liberation. When you die, only your son will be there to do the karmas and kriyas and light the funeral pyre. Your daughter would have gotten married and moved away. Nowadays it is different, your daughter can come back wherever she is. But in the past, if the girl got married and went to a distant place, you would rarely see her. There would be no one to do the things that were necessary.

This is why having a son was always considered important. He would be around and when you die, he will do what is necessary so that your liberation happens. Your parents unknowingly bore you in pursuit of liberation. It is time you remind them. This is an important duty for a child.

As your parents are aging, if they do not have the sense to come to their senses, you must bring that sense to them. You must remind them like I just reminded you – you are one year closer to the grave and your parents are much closer than you. It is a fact of life. If you miss this fact, you will live a silly and extremely stupid life. As your birthday gift, you must remind them that it is time they look inward.

They do not mind you being drunk or lost, but they are afraid that if you take the spiritual step, you may not turn back. They are right about that! It is not that you will not go home. You will, but they will not have the same bondage from you as they used to. They no longer have their hooks on you. Suddenly, you are free. They cannot tolerate it when they are bound to you but you are free from them.

As a son, reminding your parents that it is time to turn inward is one of your most important duties. In their life they have done whatever they knew best. Now it is time they turn inward and invest some time and energy upon their own inner wellbeing, because if they do not do this, they will die miserably for sure. You do not want your parents to die in terror, you want them to die gracefully. So you must make sure they turn inward.

Isha Foundation New Zealand conducts Isha Inner Engineering and Hatha yoga Programmes. It also offers free Isha Kriya and Isha Upa yoga practices online for the general public regularly. For more information Pls contact: 0224637811 or Visit:


Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

The Indian News NZ