Thu. Mar 27th, 2025


Information’s are flying thick and high from across the globe from different media channels about China’s suspected role in creating and spreading the deadly Corona virus in the world with sole motive of taking control over the world’s trade and economy and to prove its supremacy as world power. If these reports are true than this could be the worst ever example of an inexcusable crime against humanity, in the history of mankind.

The media reports of The Australian, quoted of Chinese officials describing SARS coronaviruses as heralding a ‘new era of genetic weapons’. It further reports that China has been working on ‘weaponizing’ SARS since 2015 and secretly unleashed the havoc in the world in November 2019. According to the Times of India, the current version of deadly Covid-19 creating devastation in India is the enhanced version of the same virus which was purposely made to be more harmful to humans as per a Chinese Virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan.

Dr Li-Meng Yan said “the virus was purposely enhanced up to add a multifunction to make more harm to humans. With a big population and high-density areas in India, the condition is not good enough to stop the virus, which gets modified to become resistant to the environment”. Dr Li-Meng Yan clearly alleged China of attacking India with bioweapon. The Chinese origin scientist is facing a life threat after the startling revelation about China’s heinous crime against humanity. Dr Li-Meng also spoke to the Indian TV channel ‘Times Now’ exposing Chinese government’s sinister plans to bring the whole world down to its knees and targeting the arch-rival India in particular.

China keeps bullying every country and the different governments if anyone dares to speak about this conspiracy, but they (Chinese) are now completely exposed before the world. After the disclosure in The Australian, China has threatened Australia to be ready to face consequences and this has created tension between two countries. The Australian published the news titled “The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic weapons”. Chinese government’s mouthpiece Global Times has dismissed the allegations as twisted content of one of their military strategy books.

After these disclosures, China is using the arm-twisting tactics against all the countries including Australia, who have tried to expose China’s sinister plans. China has cut down on imports of goods from Australia and increased high tariff on goods being imported from Australia. China has always vehemently opposed to any effort by a country or even WHO to investigate its biological labs putting the world in doubt about the genuineness of these labs. In its counterattack, China has accused all these counties of meddling in its internal matters and working on the instructions from United States.

The whole world is waiting with bated breaths to know about the real culprit behind spreading this menace in the world and hope we come to know about it soon. It is the insatiable greed of some power-hungry mad people who have put the world in this miserable situation. -Yugal Parashar

Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

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