Wed. Mar 26th, 2025


Family violence is a high priority for Police and reducing the number and impact of family violence incidents is a key Police strategy.

Family violence can be physical, verbal, psychological or sexual. It is not a private matter when people are being harmed.

Police is aware that the economic and social impacts of COVID19 can add extra pressure and stresses onto families.

Family violence cannot be tolerated under any circumstances and no culture supports violence of any kind to a human and more so a family member.

If you are in immediate danger and cannot call 111, get yourself out of the harm’s way, get to a safe distance and ask a neighbour over a fence, or a passer-by, to call 111 for you.

Remember your call to 111 could potentially save a life.

Do not hesitate to contact Police if you need to report family violence. You can also contact other agencies such as those below.

If you are facing a life challenge then look for solutions as a family or reach out to your wider community, family, and friends for support

Remember, support is available if you need it and the following agencies have the language and cultural capability to meet your needs.

Sahaayta Counselling Services: (09) 280-4064

New Zealand Sikh Women’s Association: (09) 270-0798

Gandhi Nivas (for men) : 0800-426-344

Shanti Niwas Charitable Trust : (09) 622 1010

Safer Aotearoa Family Violence Prevention Network : 0800-367-942

Shakti : 0800-742-584

Roopa aur Aap : 09-620-4606

-by Sergant Gurpreet Arora

Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

The Indian News NZ