Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

We in Auckland have now moved at a new number of Covid alert level, at level 2.5, since last Monday with few conditions. The rest of the New Zealand continues to stay at level 2. The question arises if we are in control of the situation or is it now safe enough to go at business as usual level. It is indeed a million-dollar question for all of us to answer, including our government.

Even after 9 months since the first news of breakout of the deadly virus in China came, there is not even one instance, anywhere in the world that can assure us of our safety or wellbeing. Till date we have not found any vaccine or any medication which can guarantee people of immunity from the deadly virus. We all, across the globe are facing this unprecedented situation for the first time in our lifetime. If there is a scare and danger to the lives of all on one hand, the financial and economic repercussions of lockdowns and restrictions are far more serious. The virus has almost killed the economy of the entire world. The economic health of the world is at its worst and apparently, it is not going to change any sooner. This is not any attempt to scare monger people but just an effort to apprise them with the harsh reality.

Unfortunately, it is this harsh economic impact on people which is forcing them to come out in open in hoard, to protest march against lockdown restrictions, without even bothering about their own or other people’s wellbeing. These protests to bring back normality are happening world over including in New Zealand. People are sick and tired of too many and continuing restrictions and there seems no end to it. In most situations the restrictions impact like home detention on people and not all the jobs can be done from home. Some people still may find themselves lucky to be able to work from home, but majority people still need to go out to earn their livelihood. Confining to the four walls home for long periods have started making physical and psychological impact on people. There has been a sharp rise in the incidents of family violence world over, and lack of employment or income is driving people crazy. Any government of the world has limitations to help out people only to an extent. If a government starts borrowing money to help its people than how its going to be repaid? It eventually must go from the same people by increasing rates and imposing new taxes.

Since the spread of Corona virus around 7-8 months back, the world seems to have changed for ever. As of now, over 25 million people have been infected world over and over 855k lost their lives due to the virus. The world’s superpower country USA remains at the top in terms of the greatest number of infected people and most number of people died. All world leaders across the globe including WHO are now advising people to learn to live with Covid-19 or any such virus. So, when the world leadership across the globe is now suggesting people to start compromising on their existing lifestyle, it is only an indication that any vaccination for this virus is still a distant dream.

The blame game of how this virus started and who started it, to put the entire world in such a horrible situation will continue. By the time world may come out of this situation, all the progress & development and economies of the world would have gone at least 20-25 years back. These are testing times for every individual, communities, and the countries world over to jointly show their grit and firm determination to fight this pandemic out so world can come out of this grim situation soon.

-Yugal Parashar

Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

The Indian News NZ