ACT empowers families with choices so they can Change their Future. New Zealand needs to be wealthy to operate safely on a pandemic planet. ACT will cut taxes and red tape to jump start our economic recovery. What about our kids? The first generation in generations that may be poorer than their parents. This week, the things we can do, to overcome our fears, and fight for our children’s future.
Debt reduces choices for kids
Last week’s graph showed, despite historically low interest rates, Treasury forecasts by 2034 we will pay more in interest on our debt than on Education. ACT’s 5-point plan starts paying back debt by 2023, 5 years earlier than the current forecasts. More debt mortgages our children to higher taxes, fewer jobs and less spent on health and education to empower them in the workforce. Less debt faster is achieved by cutting the worst of the waste in Wellington – and will not affect the health and education budgets.
Education … “I know my child’s needs best, empower me”
There is a small business – a school – between the ANZ and the Warehouse at the Mt Roskill Shopping Mall. It is full in the weekend with school aged children doing extra study. Parents sacrifice their money so their child has a better chance in life. Education is important to all parents, and especially important to first generation immigrants as a way to secure their future.
ACT will empower parents to choose what works for their child with a named Student Education Account. The government spends – $250,000 per child in education – will be made available to the parent in annual amounts in a named account for their child. This can be spent with certified education providers in any way that meets your child’s learning needs. Which school would you choose and how would you spend it? What possibilities does this open? Could the best schools in the country spread their brand across the country by partnering with other schools and/or across the internet?
For students who leave school early the education account can continue to be used through-out the person’s lifetime. Working and learning become possible in this new empowered way of funding education – by giving parents the financial power and the choice.
Too many of our children are anxious
The causes are many, but ACT has made sorting out Mental Health services a priority. Each year 1 in 5 people have a mental health challenge. It is time to get serious. Many Mt Roskill people have also moved to NZ from tough lives in other countries – often carrying trauma that taints their new lives.
Rather than accept disjointed services across DHBs, ACT will consolidate the $2 billion annual budget into one agency Mental Health and Addiction NZ (MHANZ). MHANZ would commission registered providers and approve funds for people to access services with their chosen provider. Public/private, cultural/religious, physical movement/drugs, home based/residential care, school/outpatient. The test would be what works – monitored by MHANZ.
It would put people at the heart of mental health and addiction care by giving more autonomy, and empowering people seeking help to have a service tailored to what they need to manage their mental health or addiction.
ACT empowers you to Change your Future
We cannot afford out of control wasteful spending at this time. Solutions need to be community led not designed by government. ACT is the only party offering this practical philosophy in 2020 – which is why a Party Vote for ACT allows you and your family to Change your Future.
– by ACT’s candidate for Mt Roskill, Chris Johnston, who has outlined above, what principles and policies ACT stands for. Chris is a Project Manager who was born in Whanganui and has lived around Mt Roskill and Dominion Road for eight years with his wife and children.