Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

The biggest private sector union in New Zealand, E tū, has suspended a staff member and unionist, after a female business owner has come forward with allegations that the E tū representative had demanded sexual favours from her, in return for settling her worker exploitation case in which he [the E tū representative] was involved as a mediator.

Confirming this was Bill Newson, E tū National Secretary, who said, “I can confirm that I have received a complaint making serious allegations against one of my staff.”


“I am treating the complaint very seriously. I started an investigation immediately upon receiving the formal complaint. The staff member has been suspended from work while we undertake the investigation,” Newson added. He also advised that with regard to Privacy Act, he cannot confirm any names.

For privacy reasons, and as the case is under investigation, The Indian News is not naming either parties involved in the case. We also understand that the complainant had approached E tū with the allegations before July 10.

Meanwhile, Newson stressed that E tū has kept the complainant informed throughout. “The process required by law has been carefully explained to the complainant,” he added.

On our part, The Indian News has asked E tū to confirm the date when it began the investigation, on receiving the formal complaint.

We have also asked the union for a time-frame on when the investigation is expected to complete, and will its finding be shared with us, meaning the wider public.

Editor’s note: E tū’s reply to the above questions is awaited, and we will be updating the story with the reply, as soon as we receive it.

-Gaurav Sharma

Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

The Indian News NZ