Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

National Party’s woes appear to be endless and it just does not seem to stop here. For last few months, especially since the coup to dethrone Simon Bridges from party leadership took place, the party has tattered down to an exceptionally low level which is below the threshold of being called the main national opposition party. With the events taking place one after other and its MPs behaving in most irresponsible manner, it has taken the party to the level of losing its credibility especially when the elections are so close.

Of course, National’s opposition or the ruling Labour led government is having the last laugh at their expense and National’s loss is certainly Labour’s gain. National’s new leader Judith Collins has most important and urgent task in hand, is to put her house in order first.

Big announcements like how to rescue the country from financial crises and immigration policies can wait. Judith will need to take a middle path of building the confidence amongst its party members and taking a tough stand on any nonsensical behaviour at the same time. Even if Judith may not lead the party to a victory, she must at least ensure to be a formidable opposition to the government.

Today, almost everyone in New Zealand seems to be happy on getting government support and subsidies during Corona crisis, but we all must know that it will be paid out from our pockets only. The government coffers are empty, and now we all should be prepared to see, how many new or increased taxes being levied after the elections. At the same time as wage subsidies end in September, thousands of Kiwis are at the risk of losing jobs so situation could be far worse than we may anticipated.

There is no magic formula that can change the current situation any sooner. As borders may remain closed for an uncertain period and our major revenue sector i.e. tourism and hospitality now completely dried up, several hundred, big and small hotels are at verge of closing. In fact, many of them have already succumbed the financial pressures and closed. Tourist towns like Queenstown, which completely runs on tourism is also losing the sheen and the tourism industry there, is in dire straits.

As if Simon Bridges’ toppling and later Todd Muller’s shock exit were not enough to make a dent in National Party’s otherwise a pro-industry and dynamic party image, rest of the job is being done by the unfolding sagas exposing literally every week.

The latest scandal of, MP Andrew Falloon’s act of texting sexual contents to a 19-year-old woman has once again tarnished party’s image. This is what the price every political party has to pay, for the act of one individual. The accused MP Andrew, who has now resigned on being asked by his party leader, earlier intended to do it at the elections. Collins seems in no mood to show any leniency toward her former colleague and intends to be reopening the investigation in the matter.

There are several other cracks also appearing in the party and many Simon and Todd loyalists have started singing to their tunes. So, ‘Crusher Collins’ has challenges on many fronts at the same time and she need to display her best political management skills to prove her mettle as party leader and prospective future Prime Minister.

So far, this elections appears to be a clean sweep for Jacinda but if Collins can force Jacinda to come clean about some tough questions especially regarding economic recovery and new jobs creation, it can turn into a close fight near the election day. But for being able to do so, as mentioned earlier she urgently needs to unite her party and show the solidarity as one unit. She needs to make people believe in remaining 50 odd days that she and her party are a better alternate for the country.

-Yugal Parashar

Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

The Indian News NZ