Sat. Mar 29th, 2025


Usually the older generation handle youth as some kind of disease that needs treatment. They do not need treatment. It is people who have gone away from life who need treatment. Those close to life just live. Actually, it would be wonderful if this world were to be guided by little children because they are closer to life than anybody else. If you look at your children and yourself, your children are definitely a lot happier than you are. And after all, everything you wish to do is for human well-being, and human well-being means human happiness. So this being the case, is it you or your children who should be consultants of life? You are carried away by your thoughts and emotions: they are much closer to life. If only the world learned from children rather than trying to teach children, the world would be a beautiful place.

So if something constructive has to happen in the world, it has to be by youth. If something destructive has to happen in the world, that too has to be by youth because youth are in a certain state of high energy and if there is no inspiration or proper guidance, that energy can very easily turns negative. Today, our educative systems have become 100 percent informative; there is no inspiration. Without inspiration, no human being rises beyond the limitations in which he lives.

You can get information anywhere. You do not really have to listen to a teacher. A teacher is not the best means of transmission when it comes to pure information. A book is better, the internet is even better. Only if the teacher’s role is to create a thirst for knowledge and inspire people to learn, then a teacher’s role has something to give. Making the whole education system purely informational has caused enormous damage. The time of life when you are youthful, when you are capable of many things, unfortunately goes waste simply because the necessary inspiration is not there.

Generally most leaders in the world have always inspired people only by creating an external enemy. If you create an external enemy, you can have everybody on the street. But the real enemy is within you – your limitations are your biggest enemies. Whatever limitations which one suffers from – your fear, your anxiety, your anger, your hatred – are the biggest enemy. When the enemy is within you, it needs much more commitment and dedication to inspire you. Unfortunately, dedication and commitment have become such scarce material on the planet. Everybody is thinking of doing one big mela one day and getting the youth inspired into wonderful states. Such things will not happen. It needs daily committed, dedicated work; it is a lifelong work.

It is like nurturing a plant. If you want it to bear fruit, you have to nurture it, water it and take care of it every day. If this dedication is shown by the adults, youth will do miraculous things. Only because such dedication is missing in the general population, youth seem to be disoriented. They do not know what to do and they are doing their own things. Because everybody is working on short-term goals, youth also work on short-term goals.

One big thing that needs to happen with the youth and with everybody is that their identification with humanity should not be limited to just themselves, it should include the larger society and a larger world around them. Unfortunately, this is missing in education. Modern education is constantly training people to think only about themselves and nothing but themselves. The whole process of science is only about how to use everything for our comfort and well-being. Initially, we use the planet, then the trees and plants, then the animals, then of course the human beings also. We exploit everybody to our benefit and comfort. This attitude has been deeply set with the process of modern education.

As we are investing our time, resources and energies in transmitting informative knowledge, we have to invest a certain amount of time, energy and resources to inspire the youth. If this happens, then the world would become a truly beautiful place.

– by Isha Foundation New Zealand, which conducts Isha Inner Engineering and Hatha yoga programmes regularly. It also offers free Isha Kriya and Isha Upa yoga practices for the general public. For more information, please call 0224637811 or visit

Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

The Indian News NZ