Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

New Zealand appears to be in total control of Covid-19 crises if we go by the daily updates on it by the Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield. New Zealand so far has got little over 1500 cases detected of which over 93 percent have recovered, and less than 50 cases are active now. None of these active cases are in serious condition and most likely chances are they all should also recover soon. This is an incredible feat, by all means and kudos to team Jacinda and the health workers for that. If you compare this with what is happening around the world you may feel proud of New Zealand government.

Jacinda is at the pinnacle of her popularity which started from her handling of Christchurch mosque attack, to now her swift handling of Corona crises. Her daily updates on Covid-19 along with Dr Bloomfield gave a sense of confidence and relief to all New Zealanders. Even her hardest critics could not find anything substantial to complain about, in her dealing with the crises. Her timely steps taken during this crisis and even financial support provided, from common man to big businesses through wage and cash subsidies has given a big boost to her image of a leader who shows empathy and also cares for the common man.

This is very much evident in the outcome of just released pollster results where Labour party is sitting at historic high level of 55 percent of popularity while National Party is showing its worst ever performance sitting at 29 percent. As per the survey, other smaller parties like NZ First, Greens and Act Party are showing to be sitting at the verge of extinction. Though it is said that ‘one week is too long a period in politics’ to change the whole situation. So, nothing can be taken for granted and nothing can be predicted at this juncture as elections are nearly four months away. National Party leader Simon Bridges is facing his own challenges and his leadership has been challenged once again.

We will come to know of the outcome of this crisis after the caucus meeting on coming Tuesday in Wellington. Most party MPs are only concerned about Simon Bridges’ capability of being able hold on to the party’s traditional vote base. While his opponent Jacinda has got a mass appeal Simon is being backed by mainly business class people. End of the day it is the people of New Zealand who will decide on election day who they choose as their leader though as off today all numbers are favouring the incumbent Prime Minister.

Situation on the other hand worldwide is still pretty gloomy. World’s biggest superpower USA is the worst effected country in the world with over 1.5 million infected cases and around 95k deaths. Situation back home in India is also seems getting out of control now with total number of cases going over 100k and death toll touching 3.5k. We can still loud Modi government for making their best efforts to not letting it go beyond a manageable level specially the number of deaths. India has been able to control number of deaths dramatically looking at how complex and difficult situation it has to face on daily basis. Due to prolonged and ongoing lockdowns to contain the virus, millions of people are suffering from hunger, joblessness and other health conditions.

Despite of being in a relatively relaxed condition here in New Zealand, we should we not take this situation for granted. We still need to follow all the guidelines of each level rigorously and move around safely. The harsh reality of joblessness, recession and financial crisis are sitting just around the corner, so we need to be prepared to face the stark realities.

-Yugal Parashar

Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

The Indian News NZ