Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

New Zealander of the yea - Pratima_Nand.jpg

For 21 years, Pratima Nand has contributed her services in her professional capacity as an interpreter and translator in Fiji Hindi, Hindi and Urdu languages for 21 years to organisations such as DHBs, District Courts, Ministries, NZ Police, law firms and SERCO.

As a banker, she has worked for several different Banks in Fiji and New Zealand, holding positions of Public Relations Manager, Manager of Foreign Exchange and Mortgage Manager. She voluntarily contributed to the translation of the Treaty of Waitangi, both English and Maori versions, in the Hindi language, for Treaty Times Thirty to mark the celebration of NZSTI’s 30th anniversary.

She was a Founding member, President, Liaison Officer and elected spokesperson for Fiji Women’s Society Inc, providing support to victims of domestic violence and helping Fijians to receive medical services in New Zealand. She also served on the Committee of Management for Roskill Together, a Mt Roskill/Puketapapa specific community-led development project, for three years and is a member of the Ethnic People’s Advisory panel.

Pratima has been serving Auckland’s Indian community as a Justice of the Peace and a Marriage Celebrant since 1996. She also serves as a nominated person for the juvenile for NZ Police.

(information courtesy )

-TIN Bureau

Editor The Indian News

By Editor The Indian News

Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News

The Indian News NZ